Thursday, April 29, 2010

The 7 Pieces of Patchwork

My Terrivle Half over at Ruby Letters gave me an award. Well I sorta have to work for it because I must now write seven things you don't know about me. Not sure how possible that is since I have no secrets. Or at the very least, I talk a lot and tell all often.

Here goes;

1. I used to suck my left pointing finger and it is now smaller at the the tip than the other one. It was also bent for the longest time.

2. I never told my half  brother that it was I who forgot to turn off the water in his bathroom and flooded the place. To this day he thinks he did while drunk. It cost him a bundle and he was soooo mad I couldn't tell him!

3. I am a huge fan of gospel music that makes me dance. I sometimes put it on and do my aerobic/dance exercise to it. By the end of the CD I'm usually very close to declaring myself a born again Christian. Then I sit down to watch TV and cool down and I forget all about it. But it really makes me feel good inside.

4. I have a dream that I am slowly realizing of having a business that will hep others too. In this form it is a home industries/crafts shop that will help really disavantaged people. I am planning a roadtrip to the EC's deepest rural areas to unearth some gems and market the hell out of them on the internet.

5. I have never believed in Santa. My family was rather straight forward about the whole business and consequently, my kids know Santa is a myth. I feel a little bad about this.

6. I can still climb trees pretty easily even though I am scared to climb down. I can be found perching atop my guava tree chomping away like a monkey and I am not scared to lean a ladder against the lemon tree to get the fat ones at the top.

7. I secretly want to punch the slow-walking people in front of me when out and about; I will also tell off a litterer no matter who they are. You throw something down in front of me and I will tell you you're despicable!

1 comment:

  1. The post that follows this one was the wrong place to make this comment: why in fuckity did I now know you were blogging again!??!?


Sew your piece on this patchwork