Monday, February 15, 2010

Coo-coo katchooo

My best friend's daughter is sprouting teeth. This got me thinking about post-natal depression and you will know why at the end of the post. Read on.

It also got me thinking about how black people aren't allowed to have PND. Well I ought to say the black people I know who have had it, aren't allowed to have it so those 'what an awful generalisation' people won't come after me with clubs and bad fashion sense.

I'll play it safe and not use my former neighbour who would go to the market with breastmilk stained pyjamas, leaving her son crying with the door wide open, as an example of black people who have flagrantly tossed the rules and walked down post-I-popped-a-giant-two-legged-beast-out-John's-playground madness lane. Oops, sorry former neighbour.

I am a heaven of mental illness. My therapy is so expensive I've tried to get into clinical trials just to deal with years 8 to 11. Anyway, I had post-natal depression. But luckily for me, [sic sarcastic tone here] my mother was there to take my baby and care for her while I practiced the bus-driver jive in preparation to take the psych ward by storm. PND sucks, it's ugly and has led to the death of babies the world over.

And yet, black people STILL aren't allowed to have it. Black also aren't allowed to have pedigree dogs that eat proper dog food and have leashes. Well I just recently found this one out. Still processing it while letting my dog get occasionally dirty so the mixed breeds will play with him. I 'digest' (digress to you poker-in-ass humourless sticks in the mud). PND, yup it sucks, totally. Sucks it such an infantile word to use huh? But what other word would be appropriate when talking about a disease that leads to infanticide?


What's the point of this post, my gay best friend's lover is claiming to have PND, 6 months after the birth of their daughter by a surrogate mom. HUH?


  1. So... are you saying you are black?

  2. Ha, I can understand how a post about PND would bamboozle a man.


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