Wednesday, March 3, 2010

21 Questions

I've missed the meme world of blogging. The nonsensical questions, never-ending though they may be, that your online friends read religiously and comment, "OMG me too to numbers 3, 8 and 16!!" So I thought I'd dust off a questionaire I did in 2008 and put fresh life to it. Enjoy! I sure had fun answering!


1. Slept in a bed beside you: Hmmm... Go ahead and laugh laugh laugh!
2. Saw you cry: Nobody, I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and cried while I tweeted about how great life is. Basically lied.
3. Went to the movies with you: My Big Gay Pal, a few months ago. I don't know what we watched.
4. You went to the mall with: I went alone to hunt for a new phone. Fail!
5. You went to dinner with: TJ, on my birthday last year. :( I need to go out soon. Seriously trying to remember if I haven't been out since then? No way!
6. You talked to on the phone: Day before yesterday. I don't like her.
7. Said 'I love you' to and really meant it: Earlier today to TJ.
8. Broke your heart: My mother. The sad part is that she had this spot 2 years ago as well!!
9. Made you laugh: Some random Twitter person who said JZ might knock up the Queen during his state visit!


1. Pierce your nose or tongue: Tongue, my more is too cute to mess with!
2. Be serious or be funny: I find being funny eludes me and being serious makes me come of as scary. So now I settle for timid and unsure wall-flower act.
3. Drink whole or skim milk: Full cream please! I like to live dangerously! *wiggle eyebrows lasciviously*
4. Die in a fire or drown: I'm not ready to die, I haven't made my first million. But if I absolutely had to choose a way, in my sleep while dreaming about being with TJ.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies: My enemies, I'm done pretending to love my mom.


1. Simple or complicated: I’m a fucking LABYRINTH! This answer has not changed in 2 years. Ha!
2. Gay: No :( It would be such a good way to explain my dislike for my movies too!! But I can speak Lesbionic.
3. Hardcore: I've heard that's a category in porn classification, so TJ would be the best person to answer this question. Giggle


1. Flowers or candy: I can't stand both! :( I'd like some books or DVD's instead.
2. Grey or black: Both and the shades in between.
3. Color or Black and white photos: Chuh!!
4. Lust or love: I've learnt that the love of a good man can make a woman move mountains. And his sex too! :) :)
5. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset please, I love me some sleep and dreams!!
6. M&Ms or Skittles: Honestly! I HATE candy!
8. Staying up late or waking up early: Waking up early! I love getting stuff done as early as possibly then have a whole day stretching before me to do with as I please!


1. Sun or moon: Moon I guess, more natural for some slap and tickle with my baby!
2.Winter or Fall: Winter, Hurrah!
3. Left or right: Dumb question… well dumber than the rest anyhoo.
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends: 2 best friends
5. Sun or rain: Rain
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: Blughr!
7. Vodka or Jack: Jack please! As old as you can get him! On the rocks. Doing a little dance. Yum yum.


1. What time is it: 20:20 believe it or not, the same time I did this before!! Cool!
2. Name: Patches
4. Where were you born: In a hospital
5. What is your birth date: Why?
6. What do you want: Money, lots of it. Well, just enough for my car payment.
7. Where do you want to live: A little quiet village.
8. How many kids do you want: I have enough, 2.
9. What would you want to name a girl: I've always liked Diana, till that British stick insect polluted the name!
10. What would you want to name a boy: Anthony-James. Yes written like that.
11. You want to get married: Not anymore.


1. Had a bf? A new one or my regular one?
2. Bought something you didn't need: A Harry Potter DVD but TJ bought it and I think we needed it.
4. Sang in front of people: Yeah, well I sang two lines for TJ.
5. Been kissed: Plenty.
6. Been hugged: Unfortunately, yes. :)
7. Felt stupid: Yes. A whole bunch.
9. Got drunk: Nope, but I spoke to several people who were drunk.
10. Got high: Nope. I can't even joke about drugs. Bad. For. One.
11. Danced Crazy: We have Hip-Hop Abs, we don't know how not to dance crazy!!
12. Gotten your hair cut: No, but I want to. Costs a small fortune to maintain my hair.
13. Cried: Oh yeah.
14. Lied: Despite what I said earlier, I haven't really lied. Life is great, I just have to believe that!


  1. How do you me Guy? The questions are real, even if a little daft. :)

  2. I don't think you would like some of my answers! This is a nice blog though. Have a nice day.


Sew your piece on this patchwork